아고다 호텔예약 사이트(Agoda)

유학 Q & A/기타 2019. 3. 27. 12:39 Posted by applyingusa

Agoda 호텔 예약 사이트






'유학 Q & A > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

이스타 전자비자 결제완료후 여권번호 수정가능 한가요?  (0) 2019.04.18
최종학력증명서  (0) 2016.12.13
여권 만기  (0) 2016.09.17
여권만들기  (0) 2016.09.17
외국인 여권재발급  (0) 2016.09.09

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홀리데이인 호텔(마카오 코타이 센트럴 위치) 1층에 위치한 北方館(북방관) 레스토랑은 붉은색과 검은색으로 인테리어를 하여 중후하고 화려한 실내장식으로 이루어져 있다.

메뉴판은 사진으로 나와 있어 짐작할수 있는 요리를 주문할수 있다. 또한 한국어로도 표기되어 있어 편안하게 원하는 음식을 주문하면 된다.

감자와 가지, 피망 등을 넣고 만든 요리인데, 색감도 아주 좋고 맛도 좋다. 영양가 만점 요리라 하겠다.

소고기와 콩나물을 넣어 만든 요리인데, 혹시나 향신료 냄새가 강할가 걱정했는데..얼큰하고 좋다.

콩나물도 꽤 많이 들어가 약간 매우면서도 해장하시는 분들에게 더 좋을것 같다.

색다른 음식이었다.

만두요리..늘 그렇지만 만두속 안에 국물이 꽤 뜨거우니 조심해서 먹어야 한다.^^

이 북방관에는 아주 다양하고 편안하게 먹을수 있는 요리가 많다. 올때마다 다양하게 시켜먹으면 좋을듯 하다.

NCIS-Mark Harmon(Leroy Jethro Gibbs-Rule)

일반정보 2019. 3. 13. 13:37 Posted by applyingusa

The Rules

Rule 1: "Never let suspects stay together". - revealed in the Season 1 premiere episode, Yankee White (episode).


Rule 1: "Never screw over your partner". - revealed in the Season 4 episode, Blowback (episode). McGee also stated this rule to Ned Dorneget in Need to Know (episode). McGee also mentioned to Abigail Borin in Ships in the Night (episode) that rule number one has been taken twice, showing that he knows that there are two number one rules.


Rule 2: "Always wear gloves at a crime scene". - revealed in "Yankee White".


Rule 3: "Don't believe what you're told. Double check".- again revealed in "Yankee White".


Rule 3: "Never be unreachable", - revealed in the Season 3 episode, Deception (episode) although Gibbs has been known to be intentionally unreachable but normally when going undercover on a whim to maintain cover. The rule was shown in Rule Fifty-One (episode) in the background when Gibbs opens the box.


Rule 4: "The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell one other person - if you must. There is no third best." - revealed in the Season 4 episode, Blowback (episode)


Rule 5: "You don't waste good." - revealed in the Season 8 episode, Baltimore (episode).


Rule 6: "Never say you're sorry. It's a sign of weakness." - This rule has been mentioned throughout the series, but it wasn't given a specific number until Flesh and Blood (episode). The rule is also a direct reference to John Wayne's catch phrase in She Wore A Yellow Ribbon (John Ford, Director). Wayne said: "Never apologize, mister, it's a sign of weakness." to subordinates in a military situation. DiNozzo notes the connection in Hiatus Part 1 (episode). Mark Harmon's career has paralleled John Wayne's. They both were quarterback of their southern California college football team, both went into acting. (Harmon's father, Tom Harmon, was a Heisman Trophy winner and actor & announcer as well.) Note: This is continuously told to Tony, Ziva and Tim through a smack to the back of their heads.


Rule 7: "Always be specific when you lie." - revealed in the Season 1 finale episode, Reveille (episode).


Rule 8: "Never take anything for granted." - revealed in the Season 3 episode, Probie (episode) although Gibbs also quotes it as being "Never assume" during the Season 9 episode, Rekindled (episode).


Rule 9: "Never go anywhere without a knife." - revealed in the Season 1 episode, One Shot, One Kill (episode) although it's sometimes quoted as "Never leave home without a knife" or "Always carry a knife."


Rule 10: "Never get personally involved in a case." - revealed in the Season 7 episode, Obsession (episode) and again referenced by the new SECNAV Clayton Jarvis in the Season 9 premiere episode, Nature of the Beast (episode) as the number one rule in Washington politics. It was used again in She (episode) and Gibbs burned the piece of paper he had written it on at the end of the episode.


Rule 11: "When the job is done, walk away." - revealed in the Season 6 episode, Semper Fidelis (episode).


Rule 12: "Never date a co-worker." - revealed in the Season 1 episode, Enigma (episode).


Rule 13: "Never, ever involve lawyers." - revealed in "Collateral Damage". Rule 51 is written on the back of the card containing Rule 13 in "Rule Fifty-One".


Rule 14: "Bend the line, don't break it." - revealed in Anonymous was a Woman (episode).


Rule 15: "Always work as a team." - revealed in Leap of Faith (episode).


Rule 16: "If someone thinks they have the upper hand, break it." - revealed in the Season 8 finale episode, Pyramid (episode).


Rule 17: "Never, ever interrupt Gibbs during an interrogation." - revealed in the Season 14 episode, Privileged Information (episode).


Rule 18: "It's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission." - revealed in Silver War (episode).


Rule 20: "Always look under." - revealed in The Artful Dodger (episode)


Rule 22: "Never ever bother Gibbs in interrogation." - revealed in Smoked (episode).


Rule 23: "Never mess with a Marine's coffee... if you want to live."- revealed during "Forced Entry".


Rule 27: "There are two ways to follow someone. First way, they never notice you. Second way, they only notice you." - Jack-Knife (episode) and "Rule Fifty-One".


Rule 28: "When you need help, ask." - revealed during Blood Brothers (episode).


Rule 35: "Always watch the watchers." - revealed in "Baltimore".


Rule 36: "If you feel like you are being played, you probably are" - revealed in Nature of the Beast (episode).


Rule 38: "Your case, your lead." - revealed in Bounce (episode) placing Tony as temporarily in charge of the team, and also in Phoenix (episode) with Ducky as leader.


Rule 39: "There is no such thing as coincidence." - revealed in Obsession (episode) although DiNozzo states that Rule 39A is "There is no such thing as a small world" during Canary (episode).


Rule 40: "If it seems like someone is out to get you, they are." - revealed in Borderland (episode).


Rule 42: "Never accept an apology from someone who just sucker punched you." - revealed in Psych Out (episode).


Rule 44: "First things first, hide the women and children." - This rule number was mentioned in Patriot Down (episode) but was not stated until Rule Fifty-One (episode).


Rule 45: "Clean up the mess that you make." - revealed in "Rule Fifty-One" although it's also stated as "Never leave behind loose ends" in Hiatus Part 2 (episode).


Rule 51: "Sometimes you're wrong." - Created by Gibbs in "Rule Fifty-One" by writing it on the back of the card containing Rule 13. It is unknown if his coworkers are aware of this rule. Gibbs also refers to this rule in Keep Your Enemies Closer (episode) just before talking with Leon Vance.


Rule 62: "Always give people space when they get off an elevator." -- revealed in Double Back (episode)


Rule 69: "Never trust a woman who doesn't trust her man." - revealed in Devil's Triangle (episode).


Rule 73: "Never meet your heroes." - Revealed in A Thousand Words (episode)


Rule 99: "Never tell Gibbs he's been audited." - Revealed in Once Upon a Tim (episode) (although Nicholas Torres claims it wasn't an actual rule).

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새로 오픈한 그랜드 테이블의 뷔페는 천장이 높게 되어 있어서 답답함이 없고 외부 경관을 바라볼수 있어서 분위기 좋게 식사를 할 수가 있다.

연어가 신선해 보인다. 채소도 신선해서 맛이 좋다.

뷔페라 여러번 다녀오기도 힘들어 음료수를 한 접시에 담아왔다.

찐 조기 생선이 아침인데 준비되어 있었다. 집에서 거의 생선요리는 안먹어서 아침이지만 조기 한마리를 챙겨서 먹었다.^^

아침이지만 꽤 다양하게 음식이 준비되어 있고, 콜라, 주스 음료 등도 준비되어 있다. 하겐다즈 아이스크림도 있어서 괜찮은 조식뷔페라 생각된다.

한쪽에는 6인실 8인실의 별도의 룸도 있으니, 가족이나 친구들이 좀더 특별하게 담소를 나누면서 식사를 하고 싶다면, 그 좌석으로 예약을 해도 좋을듯 하다.