러시아 스캔들-관련 코미 전 FBI 국장의 청문회

: 트럼프 대통령이 FBI 국장에세 수사중단을 요구한것이 사실이라면, 대통령 탄핵사유에 해당한다.


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Felon(펠론), 2008

추천 영화 2017. 5. 16. 13:22 Posted by applyingusa

감독: Ric Roman Waugh


주연: Stephen Dorff/Harold Perrineau/Marisol Nichols/Anne Archer/Sam Shepard/Val Kilmer/Johnny Lewis


중범죄자를 의미하는 펠론(felon)’은 건축업자인 주인공이 집도 사고, 사업자금 대출 승인도 되면서, 사실혼의 아내와 결혼식도 올릴 예정이었다.

한밤중에 아들의 방에 침입자가 들어와 가족을 보호하다 살해범으로 체포된다. 과잉방어였다며 검사의 협상을 수락할 것을 제안한다. 우발적 살인사건으로 분류되어 3년형을 선고받으며, 감옥에서 사고만 치지 않으면 16개월 정도면 출감할 수 있다는 것이다. 그러나, 교도소는 사회의 법과 제도가 미치지 않을 수도 있다는 현실이다. 하루하루 위태로운 교도서의 생활에서 가족의 품의로 힘겹게 돌아가려는 story.


Family man Wade Porter (Stephen Dorff) is living the American Dream with his girlfriend Laura (Marisol Nichols) and their son Michael: they have a nice house, Wade has just raised a loan to make his company grow and they are going to get married. However, their dream becomes a nightmare when Wade unintentionally kills a burglar on his lawn. By attacking the fleeing, unarmed intruder outside of the house, he is arrested for murder, and during the first night in the county jail, Wade gets into a brawl after being attacked by an inmate in the community cell.


With $1,000,000 bail he can't raise, after 90 days, the public defender is able to negotiate a deal for Wade to serve three years for involuntary manslaughter, or he could spend more time awaiting trial. Sentenced to Corcoran State Prison, during the bus ride over, Danny Sampson (Chris Browning), leader of the local Aryan Brotherhood, stabs a man and hides the knife with a young Aryan member named Snowman (Johnny Lewis) sitting behind Wade. In a moment's panic, Snowman hides the knife under Wade's seat and forces him to deny knowledge of it. As a result, Wade is sent to solitary confinement until the mess can be sorted out. Upon further investigation by Lieutenant Jackson (Harold Perrineau), Jackson is convinced Wade is an accessory to murder because he denies knowledge of the knife, and decides to send Wade to the Security Housing Unit (SHU), of which Jackson is the commanding officer.


Elsewhere, John Smith (Val Kilmer), an inmate serving a life sentence in San Quentin prison for killing the entire families of two men who brutally raped and murdered his wife and daughter, is shown in solitary confinement for starting a riot among the prison population for what appears to be his own pleasure. During a visit with his friend Gordon (Sam Shepard), a former prison guard who John had saved from being killed, Gordon reveals John has been given one final chance before being stuck in solitary confinement for life. Gordon requests that John be transferred, and subsequently, John is sent to the SHU as well, and becomes Wade's new cellmate.


Life is tough in the SHU. In addition to 23-hour lockdown days, and the inability to see his family at first, the daily hour of yard time consists of inmate fights, on which the guards bet. Scared and desperate, Wade initially groups with the Aryans, even going so far as to shave his head. At first upon the request of Snowman and his cronies, Wade cooperates by participating in a majority of the fights. When Wade decides at one point that he's fed up with being the one to do so and confronts Snowman, he's attacked by the group, and narrowly escapes with the help of John. As a result, both John and Wade are now green lit by the Aryans. Soon after, Sampson meets with Wade, John and the rest of the Aryans. Revealing he knew Snowman hid the knife under the bus seat on the way to the prison, he has him beaten and stabbed. Sampson also informs Wade that he is now without the Aryan's protection unless he joins, but assures him none of his men will come after him.


At different points throughout the film, it's shown that not all of the guards are in favor of Jackson's methods. Officer Diaz (Greg Serano) complies fully, and appears as sadistic as Jackson, but Sgt. Roberts (Nick Chinlund) does not want to get caught and lose his pension, and newly hired Officer Collins (Nate Parker) clearly has a higher moral standard than his boss. Due to Jackson's influence, however, both remain quiet and cooperative on the operation.


In addition to the prison violence, Wade's regular visits with Laura start to take their toll on their relationship. Michael has nightmares after one of his visits, and the family's finances are running low, even after selling the house and the truck, and using up virtually all of Wade's business loan. Things come to a head when Snowman, having been released from the infirmary, agrees with Lt. Jackson to testify against Wade and Sampson concerning the bus murder, and be placed in protective custody. Wade and Sampson are subsequently put on trial and sentenced for an additional six years and life, respectively. Laura, at the encouragement of her mother, breaks up with Wade through a letter. Enraged, and seemingly having nothing to live for, Wade breaks down and resorts to fighting the prisoners.


One night, Jackson is called to a hospital after his son was run over by a drunk driver, and due to this being his third DUI offense, he is being guarded by police. Jackson visits the man's room, and promises he will spread word around California prisons that the man is a pedophile, guaranteeing that he will be beaten and tortured mercilessly no matter where he does his time.


Laura visits Wade again and reveals neither she nor their son want to live without him, and she will wait until he gets out. After talking to John, Wade devises a plan that can reveal the truth about the violence in the prison, and get him released. Laura goes to meet John's friend Gordon, and together they persuade an FBI agent to accompany them to the prison. Meanwhile, Wade asks Jackson to schedule a fight with the black inmate who first assaulted Wade in the jail. Lt. Jackson, however, declares that this match be to the death. The morning of the fight, Laura, Gordon and an FBI agent arrive to meet with the warden of the prison. Wade, meanwhile, enters the yard and fights, which ends with him slamming the inmate's head into the ground repeatedly. Jackson orders Wade to kill the inmate, and when he does not comply, Jackson threatens to shoot Wade. Suddenly, John, Sampson, and the rest of the prison population stand in front of Wade to protect him, having grown tired of Jackson's sadistic actions. Jackson orders everyone out of the yard and turns the surveillance cameras off.


Wade and Smith are ordered back in the yard, and forced to kneel with Jackson holding a knife, while Officer Diaz aims his gun from the control room. Jackson tells them since they are convicts, no one will care what they think, and because the cameras are off, Jackson can murder them both and then claim John murdered Wade, and the guards had to kill John in retaliation.


John pulls out a knife he concealed and slashes Jackson's leg and throat, but is killed immediately after by gunshots. Suddenly Officer Collins, having secretly turned the cameras on in the control room, sounds the alarm, alerting the rest of the prison. Hearing the sirens, Laura, Gordon, and the FBI agent discover what has happened in the yard from the warden. The footage is reviewed, and Wade is placed in protective custody, his sentence reduced back to the original three years (which will end in less than three months). Wade is visited by Gordon, who passes on Laura's message about setting up a new wedding date, and leaves him with a letter John wrote to Wade before he died.


Before departing, Gordon reveals that John never told him of anything that happened in the SHU, and even though John saved him from getting killed, Gordon kept visiting because John was one of his true friends, to which Wade replies "Mine too." Wade then says that John died the way he wanted, and that the prison never broke him, to which Gordon agrees.


In a voice over, John reads the contents of his letter to Wade, urging Wade to protect his family and do anything for them, even if it means having to kill again. Snowman is then shown being brought back to the SHU from protective custody, and is put in a cell with Sampson. The last shot shows Wade walking out of the prison a free man, and his wife and child run to embrace him as John's voice concludes the letter with "So long, friend."

Hell or High Water(로스트 인 더스트), 2016

추천 영화 2017. 5. 1. 15:18 Posted by applyingusa

감독: David Mackenzie


주연: Jeff Bridges/Chris Pine/Ben Foster/Gil Birmingham



빚더미에 시달리던 두 형제는 가족의 유일한 재산이자, 어머니의 유산인 농장의 소유권 마저 은행 차압위기에 놓이게 되면서 절망적인 현실에서 가족을 지키기 위해 연쇄 은행 강도 계획을 꾸미는데, 동생을 위해서라면 어떠한 일도 서슴지 않는 전과자 출신의 형 태너와 차분하고 이성적인 성격의 동생 토비는 범죄에 성공한다.

연이어 발생한 은행강도 사건을 수사하던 베테랑 형사 해밀턴(Jeff Bridges)은 치밀한 범죄 수법을 본능적으로 직감하고 수사망을 좁혀 그들을 추격하기 시작하며, 지옥 같은 현실 속에서 벼랑 끝에 내몰린 형제와 필사적으로 그들을 쫓는 형사의 추격하는 story.


In West Texas, divorced father Toby Howard (Chris Pine) and his ex-con brother Tanner (Ben Foster) carry out early morning robberies of two branches of the Texas Midlands Bank. Though the robberies are well-planned, Tanner's wild nature leads to him taking unnecessary risks, frustrating Toby.


Two Texas Rangers, Marcus Hamilton (Jeff Bridges) and Alberto Parker (Gil Birmingham), are on the case. Hamilton, who is close to retirement, quickly determines the brothers' methods and personalities. Meanwhile, Tanner robs another bank while Toby unknowingly waits at a nearby diner. They take the stolen money to an Indian casino in Oklahoma to be laundered. They exchange the stolen bills for chips, some of which Tanner uses to gamble. Toby then has the casino convert them into a check made out to the Texas Midlands Bank the same bank they robbed. With untraceable funds and gambling as a cover for how they were acquired, the brothers head back to Texas.


It is revealed that the brothers' mother died recently, leaving their ranch in debt due to a reverse mortgage provided by the Texas Midlands Bank. If the debt is not paid off in a few days, the ranch will be foreclosed. Toby is determined to pay off the mortgage to ensure a comfortable life for his estranged sons because oil has recently been discovered on their land. They rob Texas Midlands as a form of frontier justice. It is also revealed that Tanner shot and killed their abusive father.


Hamilton stakes out another branch of the Texas Midlands Bank, but the brothers don't show. Hamilton figures a pattern to the robberies and determines their next target. Hamilton and Parker are en route when the final robbery indeed occurs there. Pressed for time, the brothers proceed with the heist even though the bank is full of customers. A shoot-out ensues when a security guard and an armed civilian fire at the brothers and Tanner kills the guard and the civilian, but Toby is shot in the hip.


The brothers race out of town, with a posse of armed townspeople in pursuit. After gaining some distance, Tanner stops and fires an automatic rifle at the posse, forcing them to retreat. The brothers then split, with Toby taking the money using another vehicle, while Tanner creates a diversion. He draws the lawmen off the trail to a desert mountain ridge where he takes potshots with a sniper rifle, killing Parker. Hamilton uses a local resident's knowledge of the area to circle behind Tanner, and kills Tanner with a single head shot using the local's rifle.


During the standoff, Toby (concealing his bleeding, but minor, hip bullet wound) passes through a police checkpoint without incident, then successfully launders the stolen cash at the casino, where he sees the news report of his brother's death on TV. He takes the casino's check to the bank just in time to avoid the ranch's foreclosure and deeds the ranch into a family trust.


After retirement, Hamilton visits his former office to learn that the Rangers have cleared Toby as a suspect, as his record is clean and he has no motive to steal since the new oil wells earn more in a month than the total stolen in all of the robberies. The money from the ranch's oil wells is deposited at the Texas Midlands Bank, which refuses to co-operate with the investigation for fear of losing management of the family's trust fund.


Hamilton visits Toby's ranch, and while they stay civil, Hamilton states that he knows Toby masterminded and took part in the robberies, but wishes to know the reason. Toby does not explain, only implies that he did what he did for his sons. Their conversation is interrupted when Toby's ex-wife and sons arrive. The ranch belongs to the trust and thus to them; Toby is only there to visit and fix up the house. As Hamilton departs, Toby suggests they meet again soon to "finish the conversation," to which Hamilton agrees.


'추천 영화' 카테고리의 다른 글

The Score(스코어), 2001  (0) 2017.08.11
Felon(펠론), 2008  (0) 2017.05.16
Winter in Wartime(전시의 겨울), 2008  (0) 2016.10.07
Green Zone(그린 존), 2010  (0) 2016.09.26
Nights in Rodanthe(나이트 인 로댄스), 2008  (0) 2016.08.23

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