Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel, Cotai Central

코타이(Cotai)에서 컨벤션 센터와 연결된 곳에 위치한 쉐라톤 그랜드 마카오 호텔은 공항과도 10분거리에 위치하고 있습니다. 공항에서부터 무료셔틀을 타고 호텔로 이동하면 편안합니다.



지난2018년 6월말 방문시에는 한국으로 전화거는것도 무료로 할 수 있는 핸드폰을 제공해서 더욱 고객들에게 편의를 제공하고 있었습니다.(무료제공되는 것은 체크해서 사용하면 이득이 되겠지요^^)


 2019년 3월..무료 핸드폰이 사라짐..사람들이 남의 물건을 함부로 사용해서 사라지는 서비스라 생각되네요..에휴


마카오를 방문하신분들은 거의 대부분 아시겠지만, 한호텔과 호텔 사이의 거리가 꽤됩니다.(호텔의 크기가 엄청 크기 때문이지요)..거의 대부분의 호텔로의 무료셔틀(보통 10~20분사이로 운행)로 이용하실 수 있습니다.


객실의 오른편을 바라보면 윈호텔이 보입니다.  

왼편을 바라보면 베네치안 호텔이 보입니다.

객실에서 바라본 수영장 모습입니다.

체크인시에 뷔페를 투숙고객에게 좀더 저렴한 가격으로 제공하니, 뷔페레스토랑을 이용하려는 분들에게 꼭 추천해드리고 싶습니다. 다양한 먹거리가 풍성하고 신선합니다.


호텔내에는 자유롭게 음식을 선택해서 먹을수 있는 다양한 푸드코트(Food Court)도 있습니다. 한국음식(대장금)도 판매되고 있습니다. 그러나, 가격이 저렴할것 같지만..생각해보면 그리 저렴하지 않으니, 좋아하는 음식으로 잘 선택해서 식사하기 바랍니다.




수영장은 무료이니, 투숙객들은 수영복이나 편안한 복장으로 여유로움을 즐기면 좋을것같습니다. 자연의 선물인 태양도 맘껏 느끼고, 와인이나 칵테일, 맥주 한잔 등을 하는것도 삶의 재충전 시간을 갖는것에 도움이 될거라 생각됩니다.




- 이상-



개인적으로 우리나라에 마카오-싱가폴(아시아로 한정시에) 같은 레져시설을 한국기업이나 외국기업으로부터 투자받으면 일자리도 해소되고, 한국인들이 외국에 쓰는 비용을 한국에서 많이 쓰게 되고, 외국인도 관광하러 많이 올텐데..당연히 질좋은 서비스도 받으면서 삶의 질도 좋아질텐데..숨어서 도박(?)하는것도 없어지고..긍정적인 효과가 더 많을텐데..우리나라 국민들은 레져를 즐길곳이 너무 없어 안타깝네요

카지노 호텔하면..카지노만 한다고 생각들을 하고..한국에서 같은돈 들여서, 질낮은 서비스를 받으니..기회가 다면 모두들 외국으로 나가려 하는것입니다. 또한 외국인들도 왜 재차 한국을 방문하는 숫자가 낮은지도 다 이유가 있기 떄문이지요. 대우받으면서 좋은환경에서 여유롭게 휴식시간을 많이 갖을수 있는 환경이 빠른시일안에 조성되었으면 하는 바램입니다.

'해외 호텔' 카테고리의 다른 글

JJ라운지 Special 혜택!  (0) 2019.10.15
Studio City Hotel(스튜디오 시티 호텔)-Macau(마카오)  (0) 2019.04.07

The Ghost Writer(유령작가), 2010

추천 영화 2019. 3. 28. 14:16 Posted by applyingusa

감독: Roman Polanski

주연: Ewan McGregor/Pierce Brosnan

* The film is an adaptation of a Robert Harris novel, The Ghost,




선임 유령작가의 죽음으로 전 영국 수상 ‘아담 랭’의 자서전을 맡게 된 유령작가의 story

A British ghostwriter (Ewan McGregor) is hired by the publishing firm Rhinehart, Inc. to complete the autobiography of former Prime Minister Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan). His predecessor and Lang's aide, Mike McAra, has recently died in an apparent drowning accident. The writer travels to Old Haven on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, where Lang and his wife Ruth (Olivia Williams) are staying, along with Lang's personal assistant (and implied mistress), Amelia Bly (Kim Cattrall). Amelia forbids the writer to take McAra's manuscript outside, emphasizing that it is a security risk.


Shortly after the writer's arrival, former Foreign Secretary Richard Rycart (Robert Pugh) accuses Lang of authorizing the illegal seizure of suspected terrorists and handing them over for torture by the CIA, a possible war crime. Lang faces prosecution by the International Criminal Court unless he stays in the U.S. (or one of the few other countries that does not recognise the court's jurisdiction). While Lang is in Washington, the writer finds items in McAra's room suggesting he might have stumbled across a dark secret. Among them is an envelope containing photographs and a phone number the writer discovers is Rycart's.


During a bike ride, the writer encounters an old man (Eli Wallach) who tells him the current couldn't have taken McAra's body from the ferry where he disappeared to the beach where it was discovered. He also reveals a neighbor saw flashlights on the beach the night McAra died, but later fell down the stairs and went into a coma. Later, Ruth admits to the writer Lang had never been very political, and until recently always took her advice. When he tells her the old man's story, she suddenly rushes out into the rainy night to "clear her head." Upon returning, she reveals Lang and McAra had argued the night before his death.


The next morning, the writer takes the car McAra used on his last journey. Unable to cancel the pre-programmed directions on the car's sat-nav, he decides to follow them. He arrives in Belmont at the home of Professor Paul Emmett (Tom Wilkinson). Emmett denies anything more than a cursory acquaintance with Lang, despite the writer showing him two pictures of the pair among photographs found in McAra's possessions, as well as another on the wall of Emmett's study. When the writer tells Emmett the sat-nav proves McAra visited him the night he died, Emmett denies meeting McAra and becomes evasive. The writer leaves, and is forced to elude a car pursuing him. He boards the ferry back to Martha's Vineyard, but when he sees the pursuit car drive aboard, he flees the boat at the last moment and checks into a small motel by the ferry dock.


With no one else to turn to, the writer redials Rycart's number, asking for help. While waiting, the writer does research on Emmett and links his think tank to a military contractor. He also finds leads connecting Emmett to the CIA. When Rycart arrives, he reveals McAra gave him documents linking Lang to torture flights, and that he claimed to have found something new which he wrote about in the "beginning" of the manuscript. The men cannot, however, find anything in the early pages. The writer discusses Emmett's relationship with Lang, while Rycart recounts how Lang's decisions as Prime Minister uniformly benefited U.S. interests. When the writer is summoned to accompany Lang on his return flight by private jet, he confronts Lang and accuses him of being a CIA agent recruited by Emmett. Lang derides his suggestions.


Upon leaving the aircraft, Lang is assassinated by a British anti-war protester, who is in turn shot by Lang's bodyguards. Nevertheless, the writer is asked to complete the book for posthumous publication, as in light of Lang's death it will be a certain bestseller. Amelia invites him to the book's launch party in London, where she unwittingly tells him the Americans tightened access to the book, as the "beginnings" contained evidence threatening national security. She also tells him Emmett, who is in attendance, was Ruth's tutor when she was a Fulbright scholar at Harvard. The writer realizes the clues were hidden in the original manuscript in the opening words of each chapter, and discovers the message: "Lang's wife Ruth was recruited as a CIA agent by Professor Paul Emmett of Harvard University." He concludes Ruth shaped Lang's every political decision to benefit the U.S.A. under direction from the CIA.


The writer passes a note to Ruth telling his discovery. She unfolds the note, and is devastated. When she sees the writer raising a glass, she is kept from following him by Emmett and other assistants. As the writer leaves the party he attempts to take a taxi, without success. Then, as he crosses the street off-camera, a car accelerates in his direction, and sound effects and flying papers indicate he has been hit.


Captain Phillips(캡틴 필립스), 2013

추천 영화 2019. 3. 28. 14:15 Posted by applyingusa

감독: Paul Greengrass


주연:  Tom Hanks / Barkhad Abdi



2009년 소말리아 인근 해상, 선장 Richard Phillips이 이끄는 화물선 앨라배마 호가 해적의 공격을 받는 사건이 발생한다. 선장은 해적들의 1차 공격을 막지만 해적들은 다시 재정비해 앨라배마 호를 점령한다. 선원들을 대피시킨후 혼자 해적들과 대치하는 선장은 결국에는 해적들의 인질이 되는데, 지속되는 경계와 심리전속에 미군과의 생존협상 Maersk Alabama호가 납치된 실화 story.


Richard Phillips takes command of MV Maersk Alabama, an unarmed container ship from the Port of Salalah in Oman, with orders to sail through the Gulf of Aden to Mombasa, Kenya. Wary of pirate activity off the coast of the Horn of Africa, he and First Officer Shane Murphy order strict security precautions on the vessel and carry out practice drills. During a drill, the vessel is chased by Somali pirates in two skiffs, and Phillips calls for help. Knowing that the pirates are listening to radio traffic, he pretends to call a warship, requesting immediate air support. One skiff turns around in response, and the other manned by four heavily armed pirates led by Abduwali Muse loses engine power trying to steer through Maersk Alabama's wake.


The next day, Muse's skiff, now fitted with two outboard engines, returns with the same four pirates aboard. Despite the best efforts of Phillips and his crew, the pirates secure their ladder to the Maersk Alabama. As they board, Phillips tells the crew to hide in the engine room and allows himself to be captured. He offers Muse the $30,000 in the ship's safe, but Muse's orders are to ransom the ship and crew in exchange for millions of dollars of insurance money from the shipping company. While they search the ship, Murphy sees that the youngest pirate Bilal does not have sandals and tells the crew to line the engine room hallway with broken glass. Chief Engineer Mike Perry cuts power to the ship, plunging the lower decks into darkness. Bilal cuts his feet when they reach the engine room, and Muse continues to search alone. The crew members ambush Muse, holding him at knifepoint, and arrange to release him and the other pirates into a lifeboat. However, Muse's right-hand man Nour Najee refuses to board the lifeboat with Muse unless Phillips goes with them. Once all are on the lifeboat, Najee attacks Phillips, forcing him into the vessel before launching the boat with all five of them on board.


As the lifeboat heads for Somalia, tensions flare between the pirates as they run low on the plant-based amphetamine khat and lose contact with their mother ship. Najee becomes agitated and tries to convince the others to kill Phillips. They are later intercepted by the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Bainbridge. Bainbridge's captain Frank Castellano is ordered to prevent the pirates from reaching the Somali coast by any means necessary. Even when additional ships arrive, Muse asserts that he has come too far and will not surrender. The negotiators are unable to change his mind and a DEVGRU SEAL team parachutes in to intervene, while Phillips makes an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the lifeboat before being quickly recaptured and repeatedly beaten by Najee.


While three SEAL marksmen get into positions, Castellano and the SEALs continue to try to find a peaceful solution, eventually taking the lifeboat under tow. Muse agrees to board Bainbridge, where he is told that his clan elders have arrived to negotiate Phillips's ransom. In the lifeboat, Phillips prepares a goodbye letter to his wife in case he is killed, while Najee decides to take full control. Najee spots Phillips writing the letter and beats him further. Phillips retaliates by wrestling Najee until Bilal subdues Phillips by striking him in the back with his AK-47, injuring him. Najee convinces Bilal and Elmi that Phillips must be killed. The pirates tie up and blindfold Phillips, leaving him to say his final goodbyes. As the pirates prepare to shoot Phillips, Bainbridge's crew stops the tow, causing Bilal and Najee to lose balance. This gives the marksmen three clear shots and they simultaneously kill all three pirates. Muse is arrested and taken into custody for piracy. Phillips is rescued from the lifeboat and treated. Although in shock and disoriented, he thanks the rescue team for saving his life.


Before the credits it is revealed Richard Phillips soon returned to sea after his recovery while Abduwali Muse was sentenced to 33 years in jail for orchestrating the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama, and the kidnap and attempted murder of Richard Phillips.


쉐라톤 호텔 뷔페 (Sheraton Hotel-Feast Buffet)-마카오(Macau)

쉐라톤 호텔 마카오 1층에 위치한 Feast 뷔페는 다양한 맛있는 음식이 즐비하게 준비되어 있다.

눈으로 보는 만족감과 신선한 요리를 맛보면 가격이 저렴하다고 생각이 든다.

호텔 체크인시에 뷔페를 신청하면, 보통 가격보다 저렴하게 식사권을 구입할 수 있으니, 체크인시에 구입해서 좀더 저렴하게 맛있는 뷔페를 맛보기를 바란다.

분위기도 천정도 넓고 좌석도 다양하게 구비되어 있어 불편함이 없다.

쟈몽 주스와 신선한 연어, 캘리포니아롤 등을 가져와서 먹었다. 연어가 아주 신선하다.

사람들이 연어를 먹으려고 많은 욕심(?)을 내는것 같다. 조금씩 담아서 먹으면 좋은데..한접시에 연어 한마리를 담고 싶어 하는듯 ^^

식사하는 사람들이 많아 디져트의 케익도 바로바로 없어진다. 뷔페니 금방 다시 채워지니 먹을거는 걱정 안해도 된다.

뷔페니 다양하게 먹어보는 시간을 갖으면 좋겠다.

2019년 3월 현재 체크인시 할인 받으면 뷔페 1인 가격 HK$180입니다.

보통 음료수 1잔하고 메뉴 1나 가격과 거의 동일하니 정말 저렴하게 맛있는 식사를 할수 있습니다. 쉐라톤 호텔 방문하시면 꼭 뷔페 식사 하세요.^^

스튜디오 시티 호텔(Studio City Hotel)의 2층으로 올라가면 스타벅스, 맥도날드 등이 입점해 있고 그외에 조그마한 상점들이 즐비해져 구성되어 있다. 

호텔을 구석구석 방문하지 않는다면 이런곳이 있을지 모르고 그냥 지나칠수도 있다.

실내라 비가 오든 눈이오든(?)..마카오는 눈이 안오지..편안하게 간단한 식사나 커피를 즐길수 있는 공간이다.

또한 한가로워서 보통은 편안하게 담소 나눌 자리가 필요하다면 소비를 하지 않고도 편안하게 앉아서 시간을 보낼수도 있다.

어른, 아이 모두 좋아하는 안전한 맥도날드..전세계 어디서나 특별한 메뉴가 떠오르지 않는다면 익숙한 맥도날드가 고맙게 느껴지는 순간도 있다.

스튜디오 시티는 다양한 액티비티 경험과 볼거리가 아주 많은 편이다. 모두 알고 방문하는것도 좋지만..찾아가서 하나하나 발견하는 재미도 느껴보는 여행이 되기를 바래서..많은 사진은 생략^^