손만두 손찐빵 맛집으로 유명한 청주 용암동 부자만두찐빵에 들렀어요.

자동차들이 길게 세워두어서 바로 옆에 다행히 공용주차장이 있어서 세우고 마음편하게 포장하러 갔네요.

김이 올라오는것을보니 따끈따끈한 찐빵이 생각나서 드라이브하면서 먹으려고 포장을 했어요.

만두도 맛나보여서 김치, 고기만두 모두 포장했네요. 부자만두찐빵에 여러 견과류가 들어간 흑미로 만든 건강빵 영양빵이 있네요.

신선한 재료로 매일 만들어져서 그런제 아주 맛이 있어요.

청주 용암동 근처에 가시면 부자만두찐빵에 들러서 건강간식 챙겨보세요!


Source Code(소스 코드), 2011

추천 영화 2020. 12. 27. 14:58 Posted by applyingusa

감독: Duncan Jones

주연: Jake Gyllenhaal/Michelle Monaghan/Vera Farmiga/Jeffrey Wright

도시를 위협한 열차 폭탄 테러 사건을 해결하기 위해 콜더 대위가 호출되는데, 기차 테러로 희생된 한 교사 남자의 마지막 8분으로 들어가 폭탄을 찾아내고 범인을 잡아야 하는 임무를 부여받게된다.예고된 6시간 뒤의 또다른 시카고를 없애버리는 대형 테러를 막기위해 용의자를 찾아야 하는 story.

U.S. Army pilot Captain Colter Stevens wakes up on a Metra[8] commuter train going into Chicago. Stevens is disoriented, as his last memory was himself flying on a mission in Afghanistan. However, to the world around him – including his friend Christina Warren and his reflection in the train's windows and mirrors – he appears to be a different man: a school teacher named Sean Fentress. As he expresses his confusion to Christina, the train explodes, killing everyone aboard.

Stevens abruptly awakens inside of a dimly lit cockpit. Communicating through a video screen, Air Force Captain Colleen Goodwin verifies Stevens' identity and tells him of his mission to find the train bomber before sending him back to the moment he awoke on the train. Believing he is being tested in a simulation, Stevens finds the bomb, but is unable to identify the bomber before the train explodes again.

Stevens again reawakens in his capsule and, after demanding to be briefed, learns that the train explosion actually happened, and that it was merely the first attack of a suspected series. He is sent back yet again, eight minutes before the explosion, to identify the bomber. This time, he disembarks the train (with Christina) to follow a suspect. This turns out to be a dead end, the train still explodes in the distance, and Stevens is killed by a passing train after falling onto the tracks.

The capsule power supply malfunctions as Stevens reawakens. He claims to have saved Christina, but Dr. Rutledge tells him that she was saved only inside the "Source Code". Rutledge explains that the Source Code is an experimental machine that reconstructs the past using the dead passengers' residual collective memories of eight minutes before their deaths. Therefore, the only thing that matters is finding the bomber to prevent the coming second attack.

On his next run in, Stevens learns that he was reported as killed in action two months ago. He confronts Goodwin, who reveals that he is missing most of his body and is on life support and hooked up to neural sensors. The capsule and his healthy body are "manifestations" made by his mind to make sense of the environment. Angry at this forced imprisonment, Stevens asks to be terminated after the mission, and Rutledge accepts.

After numerous attempts, Stevens identifies the bomber, a terrorist named Derek Frost. Stevens memorizes Frost's license and vehicle registration plates. However, he is again unable to stop the train explosion. Outside Source Code, he relays his knowledge to Goodwin, which helps the police arrest Frost and prevents the second attack. Stevens is congratulated for completing his mission. Rutledge secretly reneges on his deal to let Stevens die, as he is still the only candidate that can enter Source Code.

Being more sympathetic to his plight, Goodwin sends Stevens back one last time and promises to disconnect his life support after eight minutes. This time, he sets a date with Christina, defuses the bomb, apprehends Frost and reports him to the police. He calls his father under the guise of a fellow soldier and reconciles with him, and sends Goodwin a text message. After eight minutes, Goodwin terminates Stevens' life support.

As the world around him continues to progress beyond eight minutes, Stevens confirms his suspicion that Source Code is not merely a simulation, but rather a machine that allows him to create alternate timelines. He and Christina leave the train and go on a date. In the same (alternate) reality, Goodwin receives Stevens' message. He tells her of Source Code's true capability and asks her to help the alternate-reality version of him.

'추천 영화' 카테고리의 다른 글

The Great Gatsby(위대한 개츠비), 2013  (0) 2020.10.18
Deep Impact(딥 임팩트), 1998  (1) 2020.06.11
Sergio(세르지우), 2020  (0) 2020.05.02
Focus(포커스), 2015  (0) 2020.03.14
Contagion(컨테이젼), 2011  (0) 2020.03.07

The Great Gatsby(위대한 개츠비), 2013

추천 영화 2020. 10. 18. 14:47 Posted by applyingusa

감독: Baz Luhrmann

주연: Leonardo DiCaprio/Tobey Maguire/Carey Mulligan/Joel Edgerton/Isla Fisher/Jason Clarke/Elizabeth Debicki/Amitabh Bachchan


* This film is based on The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald


1922년 중서부 지역에서 뉴욕 외곽지역으로 이사한 닉(Nick)은 호화롭고 화려한 별장에 살고 있는 이웃 개츠비(Gatsby)에게 관심을 갖게 되고 1차 세계대전 참전 이후 옥스포드에서 공부한 적이 있다고 말하는 개츠비는 매주 손님들을 초대해서 파티를 연다. 어느 날 닉은 파티에 초대를 받아 개츠비의 별장에 방문하면서 개츠비와 우정을 쌓아가고 마침내 개츠비가 닉의 사촌인 데이지(Daisy)와 옛 연인 사이인 것을 알게 되면서 일어나는 story.


In December 1929, Nick Carraway, a World War I veteran, is undergoing treatment at a psychiatric hospital. He tells his doctor about Jay Gatsby, the most hopeful man he ever met. The doctor suggests he write down his thoughts since writing is Nick's passion. Nick begins cataloging the events to his doctor.

Seven years earlier, in the summer of 1922, Nick moved from the Midwest to New York after abandoning writing. He rents a small groundskeeper's cottage in the North Shore village of West Egg, next to the mansion of Gatsby, a mysterious business magnate who often hosts extravagant parties. Nick has dinner with his beautiful but oppressed cousin Daisy Buchanan and her athletic, domineering husband, Tom. Daisy plays matchmaker between Nick and another guest, Jordan Baker, a famous golfer whom Nick finds attractive. When Nick returns home, he sees Gatsby standing by the harbor, reaching toward a green light coming from the Buchanan dock.

Jordan tells Nick that Tom has a mistress who lives in the "Valley of Ashes", an industrial dumping site between West Egg and the City. Tom takes Nick there, stopping at a garage owned by Tom's mistress, Myrtle Wilson, and her husband George.

Nick receives an invitation to one of Gatsby's parties. Upon arrival, Nick learns he is the only one who received an invitation and none of the guests have ever met Gatsby. Nick encounters Jordan, and both meet Gatsby. Gatsby later takes Nick to Manhattan for lunch. On the way, Gatsby tells Nick he is an Oxford graduate and war hero from a wealthy Midwestern family. They go to a speakeasy, where Gatsby introduces Nick to his business partner, Meyer Wolfsheim.

Jordan tells Nick how US Army Captain Gatsby started a relationship with Daisy in 1917, just before the US entered the war, and is still in love with her; he throws parties hoping that Daisy might attend. Gatsby asks Nick to invite Daisy to tea. After an awkward reunion, Gatsby and Daisy begin an affair. Gatsby is dismayed when Daisy wants to run away with him, preferring that she get a proper divorce. He asks Nick and Jordan to accompany him to the Buchanan home, where he and Daisy plan to tell Tom that Daisy is leaving him. During the luncheon, Tom becomes suspicious of Gatsby and Daisy, but Daisy stops Gatsby from revealing anything to Tom and suggests they all go to the Plaza Hotel. Tom drives Nick and Jordan in Gatsby's car while Gatsby drives Daisy in Tom's car. Tom stops for gas at George's garage, where George tells him that he and Myrtle are moving and that he suspects Myrtle is unfaithful.

At the Plaza, Gatsby tells Tom of his affair with Daisy. Tom accuses Gatsby of having never attended Oxford and having made his fortune through bootlegging with mobsters. Daisy says she loves Gatsby but cannot bring herself to say she never loved Tom. Eventually, both Gatsby and Daisy leave. After fighting with George over her infidelity, Myrtle runs into the street and is fatally struck by Gatsby's car after mistaking it for Tom's. After learning about Myrtle's death, Tom tells George that the car belongs to Gatsby and that he suspects Gatsby was Myrtle's lover. Nick deduces Daisy was driving when the accident happened. Nick overhears Daisy accepting Tom's promise to take care of everything, but he does not tell Gatsby. Gatsby admits to Nick that he was born penniless; his real name is James Gatz, and he had asked Daisy to wait for him until he had made something of himself after the war; instead, she married Tom, “America's Wealthiest Bachelor”, just seven months after the war ended. He did, however attend Oxford, albeit for a brief 5 months on a special program for officers after the Armstice.

The next day, Gatsby hears the phone ringing and thinks it is Daisy. Before he can answer it, he is shot and killed by a vengeful George, who then commits suicide. Nick is the only person other than reporters, to attend Gatsby's funeral, as Daisy and Tom are leaving New York. The media paints Gatsby as Myrtle's lover and killer. This false, negative image of Gatsby's life and death infuriates Nick and from the top of the stairs at Gatsby's mansion he yells at the reporters and kicks them out of the house. Disgusted with both the city and its inhabitants, Nick leaves after taking a final walk through Gatsby's deserted mansion and reflecting on Gatsby's ability to hope. In the sanatorium, Nick finishes typing his memoir and titles it The Great Gatsby.

'추천 영화' 카테고리의 다른 글

Source Code(소스 코드), 2011  (0) 2020.12.27
Deep Impact(딥 임팩트), 1998  (1) 2020.06.11
Sergio(세르지우), 2020  (0) 2020.05.02
Focus(포커스), 2015  (0) 2020.03.14
Contagion(컨테이젼), 2011  (0) 2020.03.07

네스프레소 커피 머신 PIXIE

일반정보 2020. 7. 6. 14:51 Posted by applyingusa

네스프레소 커피 머신 PIXIE

커피를 사랑하는 분들에게 권하고 싶은 커피 기계입니다.

네스프레소 커피 머신 픽시(PIXIE)를 구입한 지 한 6개월이 지났어요.

크기가 아담하고 깔끔해서 구입했어요.

처음에는 네스프레소 회원 가입으로 이것저것 커피 캡슐도 많이 시켜서 마셨네요.^^

커피에 아주 조회가 깊은(?) 분을 제외하면 아마도 좀 더 강한 맛 약한 맛 정도로 느끼실 거예요.

커피는 늘 향으로 먼저 마시고 그다음에 커피 맛을 즐기는 거지요.

요즘에는 스타벅스 캡슐을 구입해서 자주 마시고 있어요.



사용법도 아주 간단해요.

처음 구입 시에는 당연히 세척을 깨끗이 해주어야지요.

그리고 커피 기계 뒤에 위치한 물통에 물을 채우고.. 당연히 뚜껑은 닫지요.

그다음은 에스프레소 또는 롱고 버튼 중에 하나를 누르면 불빛이 깜박이면서 예열을 해요.

그리고 이제 불빛이 둘 다 들어오면 추출 준비가 된 거예요.

이제 커피 손잡이를 올리면 커피캡슐 넣을 수가 있고-원하는 커피 캡슐을 넣고.. 손잡이를 내려요.

커피 버튼을 누르기 전에 커피컵을 놓아야 하는 것을 잊으시면 절~~대 안돼요.

이제 원하는 버튼을 누르면 돼요. 원하는 강도에 맞추어서 강하게 혹은 흐리게 드시면 돼요.

그리고 커피 추출을 원하는 만큼 다 하셨다면 그 이후에 손잡이를 올리면 커피캡슐이 캡슐 컨테이너로 떨어져요.^^

사용법은 안내서에 자세히 나와 있으니 참고하시면 하나도 어렵지 않아요.

향기롭고 신선한 커피가 아주 간단하게 완성돼서 스타벅스/네스프레소 카페의 커피를 집이나 직장에서 편하게 바로 마실 수가 있어요.

내가 버튼을 눌러 내려지는 커피를 바라보면 그 자체가 기분이 좋아져요, 부드러운 크레마를 확인해보세요

캡슐은 보통 1개에 770원.. 한 박스에 10개 들어가 있어서 7700원이지요. 많이 주문하면 약간 할인..

카페에 가서 마시는 거 비교하면 1/8.. 1/10 가격이지요.

처음에는 커피 기계 값이 나가지만.. 커피 기계는 역시 좋아요.

커피를 매일 마시는 분이라면 강력 추천해요.

집에서 커피향이 나서 참 좋아요. 


스타벅스 블론드 에스프레소 by 네스프레소 캡슐커피, 5.3g, 10개 스타벅스 카페 베로나 by 네스프레소 캡슐커피, 5.5g, 10개 Nespresso Pixie Espresso Maker Electric Titan (Discontinued Model) PROD690027812, Nespresso_-Electric Titan 가전용품 캡슐커피머신 거품기 부품 소모품Krups XN3006 PIXIE Schwarz-Rot Nespresso-Automat Thermoblocksystem 1260 Watt, 단일옵션

“파트너스 활동을 통해 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을 수 있음"

amazon tour(아마존 쇼핑)

학점은행제 신청절차

일반정보 2020. 6. 30. 17:34 Posted by applyingusa

학점은행제 신청절차


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