
'추천서샘플'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2016.05.29 영문 추천서 예시를 받을 수 있을까요...

Q: 해외에 나가서 일을 하려고 하는 직장인입니다.

추천서를 받아본 적이 없어서요. 혹시 영문으로 된 추천서 예시를 받을 수 있을까 해서 글 올립니다.


A: 직장인이면 보통 직장 상사나 사회에서 만난 일과 관련된 분들에게 추천서를 받는것이 좋습니다.

한 직장인 상사가 작성한 추천서를 아래 샘플로 기재하니, 참고하시고 이런유형으로 추천서를 작성하면 됩니다.


<추천서 예시>

Dear Sir:

(본인이름) worked for me as my assistant for one year. I recommend her without qualification for your (지원하는 회사).


While working in commercial production, I often relied on (본인이름)to put together creative presentations, for which she described and outlined the artistic approach to the project, researching illustrations and photographic reference materials. Her creativity, resourcefulness, and ability to see a project through really made these presentations distinctive and successful.


When we went into production on the feature film Hotcha, (본인이름) was able to observe every step of the process, sitting in on meetings and working with people in all areas of the production from the moment the production was set in motion through the release of the film ten months later.


During this time, she was an effective communicator, often serving as my liason to scattered members of the crew. She also coordinated projects involving numerous people, and her ability to work collaboratively while guiding the project quickly and effectively was outstanding. For example, when we suddenly needed to reconceive several action sequences that had already been storyboarded, (본인이름)quickly found a new storyboard artist on location and worked with him, the stunt coordinator and the cinematographer through several drafts to make sure the new sequences worked, and then communicated with crew members from all departments, making sure everyone was up-to-date on the changes that were relevant to them. She even jumped in to draw a few lastminute storyboard changes herself.


(본인이름)'s sensitivity, diligence, energy and sense of humor made working with her a joy. I highly recommend her as a welcome addition to the program.



(추천자 이름)


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